How to Slash Through Your Problems Like a Samurai

By Seamus Anthony

By Seamus Anthony

We all face plenty of problems in life, but most of them can be overcome if we take to them like a Samurai takes to battle with his sword.

Be Objective

If you let your emotions over ride you, then you set yourself up for failure. Use your mind to pierce to the heart of the problem, making sure to recognise any hang-ups you may have that may cloud your judgment. Ask others around you to give you an outsider’s perception into events; it is often amazing how influenced we are by our own preconceived ideas about any situation.

Find Out The Facts

Don’t just accept the facts as you understand them from your own point of view. Go to lengths to understand what other facts may exist that you have missed or that others may have kept from you. Again, ask around, what are others aware of that you are not? This information could be the decisive element that wins the battle for you.

Have Fortitude

Draw on your internal strength. Most victories take persistence and determination. Being able to withstand the highs and lows of your own energy, motivation and drive may be just as important as anything else. If you can go the distance, you may find that your opponents cannot. Often the last man standing wins.

Act Outwardly, Be Still Within

Inner tranquility in the heat of battle is the ultimate aim of any martial artist. Modern sports people have also recognised this skill for many years now. If you can act while maintaining a peaceful calm mind, you will find yourself at an advantage. Make your day an exercise in moving meditation.

Conserve Energy

When there is no reason to fight, relax. Samurai warriors spent great amounts of time meditating, often until the very moment of battle. This will mean you have great reserves in stock for when the going gets tough.

Sit Up Straight

No, I am not joking. The classic Samurai pose is perfect for the modern desk bound worker – sit with your bottom on the front third of your chair, your legs shoulder width apart, your feet planted flat on the ground, your back straight and your shoulders relaxed.

Just doing this will make an enormous amount of difference to your ability to get through the day as it promotes good energy flow and reduces bodily aches and pains.

Accept Responsibility

Or in other words: be a person of honour. There is no glory in avoiding the truth; you will sleep better if you admit your mistakes, and others will respect you all the more.

Seek Justice

But not necessarily in a “Kill Bill” kind of way! What I mean is, take a stance that you believe in and you will find the inner-resources needed to win through in the end. This is why finding the right career is so very important for the human spirit.

Seek Clarity

Cut through confusion. Turn your bullshit-meter up high. Dispel doubt and find out what is real. If the problem involves others, there may be an element of subterfuge going on. Keep a keen eye out for those who would seek to discredit you in order to gain from your misfortune.

Have Courage in the Face of Adversity

Sooner or later a hurdle will appear in your path. You must face these with as much courage as you can muster. Courage for me is the ability to “feel the fear and do it anyway”. It is normal to feel fear. It is courageous to battle on regardless.

Choose Your Battles

Walk away from any fight that is not worth your time. Assess each problem you face as to whether or not it is worth investing your energy in. Would the problem go away if ignored? Would it matter if you did nothing? Has your opponent drawn his or her sword? If so, do you really want to be the first to do so?

Commit Hari Kiri if Dishonoured

Kidding! 😉

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Hi, I'm Seamus Anthony. I am an author, artist and musician from Australia. Here at Rebel Zen, I document my journey as an creative artist and human and in doing so, hopefully help you in your own progress through your life of creativity. Go get your free E-book by me: "Taming The Monkey Mind".

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